Monday, July 13, 2009

Welcome To The Big Show

I will kick off this brand new adventure with a few things about me:

1 - If you are looking for opinions about art house films, horror flicks, or someone who is looking to kiss the ass of the critics - YOU'VE COME TO THE WRONG PLACE!!!!

2 - I welcome constructive feedback. If you have an opinion make sure you can back it up with intelligent thought, not mindless babbling.

3 - Last, but not least, this is my opinion. You are welcome to yours.

On with the show.

One year ago this week Warner Bros. debuted the top grossing movie of the year - The Dark Knight. Hoping to catch lightning in a bottle they made a very controversial move in pushing out the 6th Potter Film - The Half Blood Prince - to this week instead of November last year. As with all the Harry Potter films, you can expect a high box office tally and I for one am looking forward to seeing this movie.

Let's recap the summer so far with the Good, the Bad, and Will Ferrell

The Good:

1 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Amazing sequel and the #1 film of the year so far. All the so-called critics can kiss my ass on this one. It averaged a D+ grade from those mindless morons and the fans have responded to the tune of 340 million and counting. Memo to the critics - most people enjoy mindless fun. It takes away from the stress of everyday life.

2 - The Hangover - The summer's funniest movie and biggest hit. I will see this movie again before the summers out.

3 - Star Trek - Note to JJ Abrams - Thank you for doing what Gene Roddenberry tried for years to accomplish - a truly awesome and fun Star Trek film. I look forward to the many sequels that will sure follow this hit

Honorable Mentions - X-Men Origins: Wolverine, UP, & The Proposal

The Bad:

1 - Year One - I couldn't force myself to watch this turd of a movie. I respect Jack Black & Michael Cera, just not their choices.

2 - Angels & Demons and Terminator: Salvation - A tie for the movies most destined to fail. The numbers were fair, but not for the hype they received.

3 - Teen Comedies - Save this stuff for the back to school season. It works better and would make more room for spreading out the summer calendar

Will Ferrell - Please go back to being a supporting player. You were much funnier as Frank the Tank, Chaz in Wedding Crashers, and Mustaffa - the fez wearing villian in the Austin Powers movies. Your movies get continually worse and whatever cred you had is now gone after the Land of the Lost.

The Academy Awards announced that they will now nominate 10 films for Best Picture - anyone want to bet that UP will still probably get ignored as well as The Hangover.

I wish I had HBO right now because of Entourage Season 6, plus the growing phenomenon of True Blood. I will say this though, TNT has some of the best original shows on TV - Raising The Bar & Leverage are fantastic.

That's all for now. Let me know what you think and I shall return next week with a different take on the sports industry.

This Blog Is The Opinion Of One Guy And Does Not Reflect On Any Member Of The Entertainment Industry

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